While we probably won't be seeing a car like this on these shores or anywhere else anytime soon—yeah, it's a concept car—these design exercises will likely bear fruit somewhere, somehow. Plus, we're really digging those four gull-wing doors, inviting a quartet of lucky riders to jump in and hit the triple miles-per-hour digits. Someday. But for today, check out more pics after the jump.
Citroen C-Metisse Diesel Hybrid Sports Car: Fast and Furiously Responsible
Trev (two-seater renewable energy vehicle)
Suppose you decided that you weren't going to use fossil fuels anymore. How would you get around?Solar racing cars are able to travel 750km per day, at highway speeds, powered only by sunlight. Surely it is possible to use similar technologies to build a car in which you could do your daily commuting, but without the noise and pollution of a petrol engine. Staff and students at the University of South Australia have designed and built such a car—Trev.
Its features include:two comfortable seats, since more than 90% of urban trips have only one or two people in the car;enough luggage space for at least two overnight bags;270kg mass—because using a 2.5 tonne vehicle for commuting is ridiculous;energy-efficient tyres, brakes and suspension;a clean, quiet and efficient electric drive system;compliance with road safety and worthiness regulations;good performance, with a top speed of 120km/h; andat least 150km of city driving before the car must be recharged.
Most importantly, it uses less than 1/5 of the energy required by a conventional car, and can be recharged using electricity from clean, renewable sources such as solar and wind.
And it doesn't look too bad...
The tandem seating layout gives good aerodynamics, good balance, and good vision.
The acrylic canopy, with integrated roll hoop, give the driver an unimpeded view of the road.
The canopy and door open on the kerb side of the car.
A 30kW IEMS brushless motor gives smooth, quiet acceleration from 0–100km/h in under 10 seconds.A composite tub chassis, with foam and plastic body panels, gives a total car mass of 350kg.A 45kg lithium ion polymer battery gives over 150km of city driving.
Low-energy tyres on low-mass alloy wheels give low rolling resistance.
The single rear drive wheel simplifies the suspension, and allows a simple, efficient transmission.In 2002 two Industrial Design students develop some body concepts, and some engineering students look at aerodynamics. In 2003 they started the project in earnest, with 25 Industrial Design students working with an experience automotive designer to develop concept designs for the car, and seven Mechanical Engineering students working on initial engineering designs. They also did extensive performance modelling to show that the concept was sound.In 2004, an Industrial Designer and five final-year Mechanical Engineering students completed the detailed design of the car. In 2005, a group of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering students built and demonstrated the prototype car. In 2006, The aim is to get the prototype car registered and on the road.Source-unisa.edu.au
BMW H2R Hydrogen Record Racecar
1991 Chrysler 300 Concept Car V10
Tesla Roadster the 100% Electric Car
At present price of electricity the average cost of fuel for this car comes to 2 cents per mile.
The car is priced at US$ 100,000 plus taxes(approximate).The next delivery of this car will start from Feb 2008.You can even customize your car.The website gives all the details about booking.
But why is it important to go electric with tesla cars:
Pollution control - Go Green
Reduce dependent on Oil
Special tax benefits
Cost saving on fuel
The Latest Rolls-Royce, 101EX
No more Genaddi GTX1 after August
Acquiring luxury vehicles is one thing and buying a rare collector’s piece is something very special. The collector’s item need not be an old sixties or seventies archaic piece but a designer car with the latest technology – one of the 600 pieces that would roam on the streets
throughout the globe. This is exactly what a car enthusiast can adorn his garage with only if he acts quickly before 31st August 2008. After the said deadline, Genaddi will cease to take further orders to produce its supercar GTX1.
The upgraded version of Ford GT designed by Genaddi Design is available in two editions – SEMA and non-SEMA editions. Both the editions have the same technology, design and comfort with the difference lying only in the outer finishing. The SEMA editions are painted Valencia orange with titanium silver stripes while the non-SEMA ones have a sporting flashy exterior.
Car nerds name their kids Audi, Porsche and Lexus
Ever wondered till what extent people can go to publicise their items of fascination? A couple of Kilgore has apparently named their children after three renowned car manufacturers. Yes, it is hard to believe, but the story is real. Craig and Sondra Harrington have a 6-year-old daughter by the name of Lexus. Their twin daughters born on 28th October last year have been named Porsche and Audi. I wonder what made the family choose such names for their children. Is it just owing to their immense interest in stylish and trendy cars? Whatever be the reason, living with names like these could be a tough task for the toddlers.
Tokyo Car with Fsh Tank and a Slot Machine
Tokyo Auto Salon is a place with many interesting cars ondisplay.
One of them has an inbuilt fish tank on one side and a slot machine on
the other. Nice car I’d say and the animal right activists may be a bit happy
as well, because the fishes get a good option for recreation. ‘Fishies love to
gamble you see.’
Cadillac-XLR-V - The Latest Cadillac
Steerable adaptive forward lighting system, bi-functional High-Intensity Discharge (HID) with headlamp washers and Twilight Sentinel
My Alma Mater - AIMS 'd Best!

Reminiscing all of those memories I had in my college years can never deny the fact that I indeed treasure every hour of my AIMS life. Keep in touch mga pare koh!
San man kayo makarating, tandaan nyo lang lagi iyong motto natin, "In every port, report!" hahaha! O baka iba na naman yan ha! Ang ibig ko lng sabihin ay wag naman makalimot!