Donate Car, House or Property
It feels so good to be able to extend some help to the less unfortunate people. More and more charity programs have been established and each has its own goal and mission to accomplish. And many are grateful, especially the less unfortunate ones to receive help from these charity programs.
One of the two great commandments of God, which is to “Love your neighbor as you love yourself”, has been instilled in the mind of every person who has a heart so pure that they would wish for the good of everyone. I, myself is hurting every time I see people suffering from poverty, especially the children who at young age are already lacking the sense of comfort and the best of life. These children who are supposed to be at school, gaining knowledge that the rich can afford are already working just to find for their own food to survive.
There are also children who are abandoned by their parents and craving to have their own homes to comfort and nurture them. They are just among those unfortunate people who have been tested and suffered from poverty. And they are the ones who need our help.
If only I am rich, I would have helped all of them to somehow experience the life free from hardships and trials, a life free from poverty. But I cannot do this alone. People with a golden heart must be able to extend their help to these unfortunate ones, especially the children. And if you think you are one of them and has the ability to help, you can do so through Donate Car. Yes, Car Donations is a charity program with the aim of helping the children in so many ways which they could cherish all throughout their lives.
You can also provide these unfortunate children with a home through a
Donate A House or Property program. Either of these cause can help thousands of children who needed our love and help. Let us joined the charity for the betterment of these unfortunate children.
Best Jeep Parts
Living in a back country necessitates you to drive and own a Jeep automobile. Why? It’s because road types can’t be expected to be smooth like in the main country area. And perhaps, we are all aware of the fact that when we speak of Jeep, it is somewhat rugged and cool to drive in a long mile ride, isn’t it?
Now if you love and actually own a Jeep auto, what are its parts that you always look into? In that case, go-part.com will help you with that. It caters all Jeep parts, such as lights, mirrors, cooling products and a lot more. With the numerous Jeep parts you know, say you own a Jeep Cherokee, you always make it a point to check its radiator. But did you know that there’s a big difference between a regular radiator and a first class radiator? A Koyo Radiator for instance, is on the cutting edge when it comes to design and technology. Hence, it is much ideal to use than the regular one.
Aside from the radiator, you also take into consideration the specification of a Jeep AC Condenser. It’s something that plays an important role in your vehicle. And with complete quality and high performance specifications, you’ll know that you are getting the right part for your Jeep.
There are actually tons of Jeep quality parts available at go-part.com. So if time comes that you are no longer satisfied with the Jeep parts you currently have, go and find the best quality replacement parts at go-part.com.
Legal Assistance You Need
I have this friend of mine who’s taking up law in one prestigious university in the city. And every time we talk about anything, he’s able to share me some of his knowledge which he gained from his studies. And I must say that he’s already good at it, especially on legal matters.
So if legal assistance is what you need at this point in time, just grab on your mouse and have some few clicks on it right at their site. It can certainly provide you with the best legal assistance you need and could even let you come back should need arises again.
Searching for a House for Rent

But we didn't find any at Barriada so even if it's raining, hubby and I walked straight to Our Lady's Village, wishing to finally find a studio-type home. You see, we have to leave this house even though it's so big and fully furnished for us. There are just some people who are so "makakapal" to stay here even if they are not welcome anymore. These two people do wear thick faces to stick and stay here despite the fact that I am sending them away of this house since they aren't actually renting here and the fact that the woman is supposed to be with her kids whom she left at her mom's custody which I just knew days ago. And worst, mom is the one feeding them since the man has no more job. D'oh! Well, mom can't send them away 'cause she's always the hospitable woman I know. Arrrggghhh! It's a different story! So better get out of this house before I blow fire again! I am trying to hold my temper, but staying here for a few more days would certainly provoke me to give them a new set of hit! Darn! Uber sa kapal!
How I wish we could have our home which we can call our own. Sigh! When will riches knock on us? I just wish hubby can already have his promised house and lot from her aunt. Well, it'll take two more years I guess and it'll be in a faraway land, right within the vicinity of their farm-resort in Silang, Cavite. Waaah! Super layo naman nun sa kabihasnan. ==> : (
But we need a home now. And I mean it ASAP. Luckily, as we walked through Our Lady's Village today, we found that "House 4 Rent" posted on the tree. And good thing, the landlord as well as his family is hospitable to let us rent the house. It wasn't actually a big one as compared to this house we currently stay in. I guess it's only half of the size of this house. But it's already good for us. It has 1 bedroom, living room, kitchen, dining space, and comfort room. We also have our own small gate and the windows have screens and grills. And the monthly rent, which is 2,500php is not that expensive so it'll be easy on our pocket. Practicality has to be with us these days especially that the prices of products and even services are gradually increasing to our dismay.
Why Do Men and Women Cheat?
Why do men and women cheat? And what can be done about it?
Infidelity or extramarital affairs have been extensively studied over the past two decades and a lot has been discovered. Unfortunately, most of the evidence indicates being faithful to a single romantic partner is difficult to do.
To start with, human sexuality is incredibly complex. Decisions about our sexual behavior are typically not planned in advance. Few people intentionally plan on committing infidelity (at least the first time it happens).
When making promises to be faithful, most people are serious and have every intention of keeping their word. But while people generally have the best intentions when making such promises, human behavior is not always governed by the fact that vows were taken and promises were made.
When it comes to making decisions about love and betrayal, logic and reason have a difficult time competing with our emotions for control. Simply put, logic and reason often take the backseat to our emotions when it comes to love and romance. So from time to time, our emotions can get the best of us and lead us down paths we had no intention of traveling.
In short, most infidelity occurs, not because it is planned, but because people find themselves in situations where their emotions lead them astray.
What types of situations influence our emotions and bring out the worst in our behavior?
* Being close or interdependent on someone other than one’s spouse
* Being around someone who is sexually interested
* Spending a lot of time one-on-one with someone else
* Not feeling close or connected to one’s spouse (e.g., feeling lonely, being upset or angry with a spouse, etc.)
* Situations that create the sense of opportunity - the feeling that one will not get caught (e.g., meeting someone in private, out of town trips, a lot of time away form a spouse, etc.).
* Situations involving alcohol or drugs
Be a Look of the Year
You knew it from the start how stunning you have been since. But then again, you are not confident enough to show the people your beautiful look and you just simply let it fade away as the years go by. Well, it’s not yet too late. You're still young and can become a model in this beauty contest. You can still get a chance to be noticed and that is when you join here at http://www.lookoftheyear.com. You just have to post your glamorous photos and start gaining votes from a number of online viewers out there.
@ Daet, Camarines Norte
I just came here at the cafe today to chat with my honey. Had also talked to my little prince through YM voice call. The day is not yet over, but I already missed them. How I wish I could bring them with me anywhere I go. But my profession needs my focus and attention so I need to work hard for my family.
I better leave now for dinner. I have to finish the audit tomorrow so I can go home later in the afternoon. I'll post some photos for this trip. Bye for now!
A Lesson for a Lifetime
When I arrived at 6 a.m. in the large hospital kitchen, Rose was already checking name tags on the trays against the patient roster. Stainless steel shelves held rows of breakfast trays which we would soon be serving.
"Hi, I'm Janet." I tried to sound cheerful, although I already knew Rose's reputation for being impossible to work with. "I'm scheduled to work with you this week."
Rose, a middle-aged woman with graying hair, stopped what she was doing and peered over her reading glasses. I could tell from her expression she wasn't pleased to see a student worker.
"What do you want me to do? Start the coffee?"
Rose sullenly nodded and went back to checking name tags.
I filled the 40-cup pot with cold water and began making the coffee when Rose gruffly snapped, "That's not the way to make coffee." She stepped in and took over.
"I was just doing it the way our supervisor showed us to do it," I said in astonishment.
"The patients like the coffee better the way I do it," she replied curtly.
Nothing I did pleased her. All morning her eagle eyes missed nothing and her sharp words stung. She literally trailed me around the kitchen.
Later, after breakfast had been served and the dishes had been washed, I set up my share of trays for the next meal. Then I busied myself cleaning the sink. Certainly Rose couldn't criticize the way I did that.
When I turned around, there stood Rose, rearranging all of the trays I had just set up!
Totally exhausted, I trudged the six blocks home from the University of Minnesota Hospital late that June afternoon. As a third year university student working my way through school, I had never before encountered anyone like Rose.
Fighting back tears, I wrestled with my dilemma alone in my room. "Lord, what do you want me to do? I can't take much more of Rose."
I turned the possibilities over in my mind. Should I see if my supervisor would switch me to work with someone else? Scheduling was fairly flexible. On the other hand, I didn't want to be a quitter. I knew my older co-workers were watching to see if my actions matched my words.
The answer to my prayer caught me completely by surprise -- I needed to love Rose.
Love her? No way! Tolerate, yes, but loving her was impossible.
"Lord, I can't love Rose. You'll have to do it through me."
Working with Rose the next morning, I ignored the barbs thrown in my direction and did things Rose's way as much as possible to avoid friction. As I worked, I silently began to surround Rose with a warm blanket of prayers. "Lord, help me love Rose. Lord, bless Rose."
Over the next few days an amazing thing began to happen. As I prayed for this irritating woman, my focus shifted from what she was doing to me, and I started seeing Rose as the hurting person she was. The icy tension began to melt away.
Throughout the rest of the summer, we had numerous opportunities to work together. Each time she seemed genuinely happy to see me. As I worked with this lonely woman, I listened to her--something no one else had done.
I learned that she was burdened by elderly parents who needed her care, her own health problems, and an alcoholic husband she was thinking of leaving.
The days slipped by quickly as I finished the last several weeks of my summer job. Leaves were starting to turn yellow and red, and there was a cool, crispness in the air. I soon would be returning as a full-time university student.
One day, while I was working alone in one of the hospital kitchens, Rose entered the room. Instead of her blue uniform, she was wearing street clothes.
I looked at her in surprise. "Aren't you working today?"
"I got me another job and won't be working here no more," she said as she walked over and gave me a quick hug. "I just came to say good-bye." Then she turned abruptly and walked out the door.
Although I never saw Rose again, I still remember her vividly. That summer I learned a lesson I've never forgotten. The world is full of people like Rose--irritating, demanding, unlovable - yet hurting inside. I've found that love is the best way to turn an enemy into a friend.
"Love your enemies! Do good to them! Lend to them! And don't be concerned that they might not repay. Then your reward from heaven will be very great, and you will truly be acting as children of the Most High, for he is kind to the unthankful and to those who are wicked."
Luke 6:35 NLT