You can cut the middle man out and go get your great deal with no hassle. When I was quite a bit younger I lost my job and my vehicle was repossessed. When this happens they normally take it to auction and sell it. This vehicle was 2 years old, had less than 20,000 miles on it, had upgraded rims and stereo, and was worth nearly $10,000. It sold for a whopping $2,900 at the auction to whomever bid on it.
Had I known this before I would have gone and bought my vehicle, then turned around and sold it to help pay off what I still owed on it. This is why car auctions are so great. This was an incredible deal for whom ever bought it and an eye opening experience for me.
Because of this experience I now buy all of my vehicles at wholesale auto auctions and when I see a red hot deal I pick up an extra vehicle so that I can turn around and sell it for a profit. I probably buy 4-5 vehicle each month and usually I can profit around $10,000 or more each month. I put in very little time and it is a pretty easy money maker that anybody can use.
All I do is list the vehicle for sale in the paper after getting my mechanic to give it a full inspections, I double the price from whatever I paid for it and usually it sells within a week. This is a great little business or you can just use this knowledge to go and buy a vehicle for yourself and get it at a fraction of the price.
The only real secret that I have is the type of wholesale auto auctions I go to. I have a database that I am a member of and it gives me the best seized auto auctions and other types of auto auctions that are not being advertised anywhere else. This give me the chance to be bidding on vehicles that only a handful of other people are bidding on and most of the time I can bid without ever even going to the auction.

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